APM minutes 2024
MINUTES of the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING of Hougham Parish Council held at Hougham and Marston Village Hall at 7 pm on Wednesday 1st May 2024.
Present: Cllrs John Wright, Joanna Wright, Jane Forbes, Pam McAllister and Peter Baker.
There were no members of the public present.
Minutes of the APM held on 17th May 2023 were read, approved and signed.
Cllr John Wright reported that not very much had happened this year. We had had a new battery for the defibrillator, but this was f.o.c under our maintenance agreement. Thanks to those who had helped with the tidy up of Coach Lane and the Pinfold (Cllr P Baker). Also thanks to Cllr McAllister’s husband Andy for his upkeep of the Pinfold and cutting of the grass.
Clerk gave a financial report as follows:
We ended the year with a bank balance of £5,755.14. Our actual total spend for the year was £88 under the budgeted spend so there is little else I can say. Our precept for the current year was only increased by £140 so made little difference to the actual payment of Council Tax by each household.
There were no presentations from local organisations and no parishioners present to ask questions.
Meeting closed at 7.04 pm.