Minutes 10.7.24
MINUTES of the Hougham Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at 7.30 pm
in Hougham and Marston Village Hall.
Present: Cllr John Wright (in the Chair), Cllrs P Baker, J Forbes, P McAllister and Jo Wright. There were no members of the public present.
10/24. Apologies had been received from D/C Wood. He had sent an email to say that SKDC is having severe difficulties with bin collection services but a new management team has been appointed so things should improve.
11/24. All Councillors had completed the revised/updated DPI forms.
12/24. There were no declarations of interest.
13/24. The Minutes of the meetings held on 2nd May 2024 had been read and approved and it
was unanimously agreed that the Chair should sign them.
14/24. Planning matters: S24/0147 – Plan amendments at Chapel Farm Barns – amended plans submitted and approved.
15/24. Highways – No update on C001 speed reduction to 40 mph – Clerk to contact Cllr A Maughan.
16/24. SID – the new solar Speed Indicator Device has been delivered to the Chair and he will install it no later than 31.8.24. Clerk to put an acknowledgement of the grant on the website and Cllr Jo Wright will put something out on HAMES.
17/24. Financial matters -
Resolved to sign bank reconciliations at 30.4.24, 31.5.24 and 30.6.24. The balance at 30.6.24 was £8,167.14.
All policy documents reviewed and agreed.
18/24. A complaint had been made about the hedge around the Green overhanging the footpath and making it impassable – clerk to write to owners requesting that they cut it right back. Some of the trees on the Green need attention – resolved that the Clerk should get an arborologists report before any action is taken on any specific trees. Clerk to contact Highways requesting that the long grass/weeds on the central reservation and at the junction of the A1 and Toll Bar Road be cut as a matter of urgency.
19/24. Next meeting – 11th September 2024.
Meeting closed at 7.45 pm