Minutes 9.11.22

NOTES  of the Hougham Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 9th November  2022 at 7.30 pm in Hougham and Marston Village Hall.
Present: Cllr John Wright (in the Chair), Cllrs R Chalklin, P McAllister and Jo Wright.  There were no members of the public present.
23/22.  Apologies had been received from Cllr Forbes, and Dist Cllr Paul Wood.
24/22.  There were no declarations of interest.
25/22. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27th July had been read and approved and it was unanimously agreed that the Chair should sign them.
26/22.  Planning matters:   There were none.
27/22.  Highways – there is no update regarding a reduction in speed to 40 mph on the C001 between the railway bridge and Gelston Road.  There is a Scrutiny Panel Review ongoing regarding policies and the criteria may change – no outcome for about 18 months.  A good job was done on the jet patching in Coach Road.
28/22 – Defibrillator – Cllr Chalklin is still looking into training which is proving quite difficult.
29/22 – Cllr Maughan advised that the County Council is looking at its budgets for next year but waiting for the Autumn Budget of the Government.  There are mainly only statutory services being delivered.  Council Tax is capped at 2%.  Grantham By-Pass is progressing and Phase II is due to open this winter.  A new location is being sought for the bridge for Phase III.
30/22 Financial matters -  
[a]  Resolved to sign bank reconciliations at 31.7.22, 31.8.22 and 30.9.22.
[b]  Clerk had issued a spreadsheet to assist with planning for the precept.  It was agreed that we would increase it by 10% to £3,960.
31/22. Resolved to adopt the updated Code of Conduct.
32/22 - Correspondence – There is none.  However, the Clerk distributed the 2023 meeting dates.
33/22. Next meeting 8th February 2023.
Meeting closed at 7.55 pm.