Agenda - 17.5.23 regular meeting

18 Chapel Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, NG32 3EG
Telephone: 01400 273742 / 07916 628673
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Hougham Parish Council to be held at Hougham and Marston Village Hall, Bridge Street, Marston at approximately 7.30 pm on Wednesday 17th May 2023.
Signed.......L.Frances................Clerk to the Council                        Date:  10th May 2023.
There will be no public forum as we will have just had our Annual Parish Meeting.
District and County Councillors will be asked to give their reports.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest.
3. Resolution to approve Minutes of meeting held on 8th February 2023.
4. Planning matters:  
S23/0088 – 3 Grange Farm Barns – regularise amendment to rear boundary – approved.
S21/0469 – no error found with positioning of garage or height of fence.
5. Highways –  C001 reduction to 40 mph –any update on an officer being assigned?
6. Defibrillator –anything to report?
7. Financial -
Resolution to sign Bank Rec/Income & Expenditure accounts as at 28.2.23 and 31.3.23. and 30.4.23
Resolution to sign AGAR Certificate of Exemption.
Resolution to sign AGAR Annual Statement
Resolution to sign AGAR Accounting Statement 2022-2023
Discussion and resolution as to whether to increase donation to the Church for grass-cutting from £250.
Resolution to pay £201.27 to Zurich for our insurance (3rd year of 5 year agreement).
8. To note any correspondence received.   Training for new councillors 3.7.23 Carlton Scroop VH.
9. Date of next meeting – 19th July 2023.