Minutes 16.11.23

NOTES  of the Hougham Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 7.30 pm in Hougham and Marston Village Hall.
Present: Cllr John Wright (in the Chair), Cllrs P Baker, P McAllister and Jo Wright. There were no members of the public present.  
18/23.  Apologies had been received from Cllr J Forbes.
19/23.  There were no declarations of interest.
20/23. The Minutes of the meeting held on 13th September  2023 had been read and approved and it was unanimously agreed that the Chair should sign them.
21/23.   Planning matters:   S23/1179 – Keeper Cottage extensions – approved.
22/23.  Highways – there have been two accidents in the past couple of weeks on the C001, between Gelston Road turn and the Hougham Main Street turn.  One of these had serious consequences.  Clerk to write to Cllr Maughan to see if they can bring forward the timescale for a reduction in road speed limit here, to 40 mph.
23/23. Financial matters -  
Resolved to sign bank reconciliations at 30.9.23 and 31.10.23.  The balance at 31.10.23 is £6,357.76.
Councillors considered the request from the PCC made by Stuart Hadley, to increase the donation made to them.  It was agreed to defer any increase at this time.
Clerk had circulated a spreadsheet to enable Councillors to consider the precept for 2024-2025.  It was agreed that the precept be increased to £4,100 (just over 3%), an increase of 90p on a Band D property.
24/23.  Cllr McAllister had been offered a free defibrillator training session by First Responders.  Agreed that she will organise a session for members of the public
25/23.  Discussion took place as to dates for next year’s meetings which will be 7th February, 2nd May, 10th July, 11th September and 7th November.
26/23.  Advised that SKDC streetlights number 11, 5, 3 and the one outside the village hall are all out. Clerk to report on Fix My Street.
27/23. Next meeting – 7th February 2024.
Meeting closed at 7.55 pm.