Minutes 4.8.21
MINUTES of the Hougham Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 4th August 2021 at 7.30 pm in Hougham and Marston Village Hall.
Present: Cllr John Wright (in the Chair), Cllrs Chalklin, Forbes, and McAllister plus Dist Cllr Paul Wood. There were no members of the public present.
13/21. Cllr Jo Wright and Cty Cllr A Maughan had sent their apologies.
14/21. There were no declarations of interest.
15/21. The Minutes of the meetings held on 12th May had been read and approved and it was unanimously agreed that the Chair should sign them.
16/21. Planning matters: There were none.
17/21. Highways – the drain covers on The Green still need attention – new pins are required – Cllr Maughan will ask Highways to contact Cllr Chalklin and visit site. There is still a large bag on the footpath/highway along Main Street where there is a dip – Cllr Maughan will follow this up.
A parishioner had written in showing concern over the traffic speed of 60 mph at Grange Farm Barns on Brandon Road. Councillors concurred with his assertions and will ask Cty Cllr Maughan to support a speed reduction to 40 mph, same as the C001 at Brandon. Highways may consider other safety measures might also be needed.
18/21. Western Power - works on The Green – no indication of when works will take place. Hold up is due to waiting on the resident that requested the works initially.
19/21 – Defibrillator - VETS –Cllr Chalklin had achieved interest from volunteers and it was agreed he can initially arrange free training for use of the defibrillator, and CPR. It is hoped that volunteers will be confirmed after that training. Costs to be provided for VETS scheme.
20/21 – Speed gun – training is currently available on Zoom only – face to face training will be available at some time in the future. We need 6 volunteers from the village.
21/21 – Cllr Wood advised that the senior management review was completed and should save a lot of money. There is a new head of planning who will start in mid-September. SK’s housing stock must be maintained to a good standard. Planning has been reviewed independently but some of SK’s staff are not happy so this matter has still not been finalised.
22/21 Financial matters -
It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliations at 31.5.21, 30.6.21 and 31.7.21.
23/21 Correspondence – there was none.
24/21. Other matters – Clerk to chase Cty Cllr Maughan on Highways matters. There is to be a village open day on 5th September, to officially open the new playground. Agreed that Cllr McAllister will order a proper sign for the village noticeboard.
25/21. Next meeting will be on 17th November 2021.
Meeting closed at 8.15 pm.